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V60 Pour Over Brew Guide

Grind Setting:

Brewing Time: dependent on dripper size (1-2mins for 1-cup / 2-3 mins for 2-cups)

Brewing Ratio: 6-8g coffee per 100g water (1ml water = 1g water)

Please be aware that the environment will always impact the conditions under which you brew. Temperature and humidity are two notable factors which may mean your grind setting or extraction time range needs to be altered. Changes made to the grind setting have consistent results across all brew methods. A coarse grind allows water to pass through coffee without as much resistance as a fine one. It will also mean that the brew time of a coarser grind will be longer to allow the flavour to be fully extracted.

A finer grind results in smaller coffee particles, exposing more surface area to the brewing water which can then ‘access’ and dissolve the available flavours more easily.

Additionally, always consider the high level of influence that water chemistry has in your brewing. Experiment with using different bottled waters if your tap water seems to leave you struggling to tune your brews to taste.

Step 1

Place dripper on top of cup/mug. Ensure you have more than enough water to brew with. Place filter paper in dripper.

Step 2

Heat brewing water to required temperature and thoroughly rinse the filter paper. Discard rinsing water from cup/mug.

Step 3

Place equipment on scales. Add dose evenly into dripper.

Step 4

Settle & distribute the coffee evenly. Tare scales & start timing.

Step 5

Gently and evenly pour twice the weight of your coffee dose over the coffee bed. Allow the coffee to swell & bubble.

Step 6

When the bed of coffee begins to pit or bubbling ceases, pour the remaining water evenly onto the coffee until the desired water weight has been added.

Step 7

Gently & evenly stir the brew a little, then allow remaining water to drip through the coffee.

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