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Cyato Collection


The Cyato Collection returns in a slimmed down format, teaming together two adventurous coffees from our friends at Tropic Coffee. Two absolutely stunning coffees of the same varietal that have been processed in two different ways:

Cyato’s complex and syrupy honey processed lot returns for a second showing and is packed full of purple fruit notes this time around.

Follow this up with a tasty cup of summer thanks to the tongue-tingling tropical character of our first ever experimental pineapple infused anaerobic natural lot!

These fantastic coffees are testament to the phenomenal work the team of coffee processing staff at Cyato are doing in perfecting their techniques and exploring new ways to enhance the flavour profile of the high quality red bourbon varietal that is received into the washing station. Both of these coffees are fairly new to Cyato - the honey is in it's second year of production (only 5 bags produced last season) and this experimental pineapple infused lot is the first of its kind to be processed in this manner.

We feel honoured to be able to showcase these special coffees from this special relationship and hope you enjoy the contrast in profiles exhibited thanks to the differing post-harvest technique applied.

(Pack Contains - 2x 250g Bags)

Location: Nyamasheke District, Western Rwanda
Altitude: 2,200 metres above sea level
Preparation: Honey | Pineapple Anaerobic Natural
Varietal: Red Bourbon
Owners: Tropic Coffee

Grind Size

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This Coffee's Story

We have been lucky to establish some incredible relationships with export partners over the last few years who help us to access some of the most amazing coffees. One such example is Tropic Coffee, a company we were introduced to when visiting Rwanda in 2018 as a member of the Cup of Excellence tasting jury. Tropic is headed up by Chris and his wife Divine - together, they own the Cyato washing station which processes the cherries collected by farmers of the Abadatezuka cooperative situated around the infamous Nyungwe forest – well known for outstanding coffee production not only because of its rich fertile soil, but also due to the large population of bees in the area which leave unique microorganisms during pollination creating a distinct flavour profile. The appreciation of the importance of bees in this area means there is no use of synthetic fertilisers or pesticides and farmers are actively educated on how to preserve the presence of pollinators utilising organic techniques.
It is safe to say that this is one of the most treasured partnerships we have at North Star hence it being chosen as the site for our latest origin project. A project that has been a couple of years in the making. We were delighted to sponsor the preparation of 8 hectares of land back in 2021 which has since been planted with 20,000 coffee trees. These trees have been distributed amongst 20 young people from the local area, with each receiving harvesting assistance, organic compost and agronomy training in an effort to establish opportunities for them in their hometown – removing the need to migrate to urban areas in search of what are thought to be opportunities that will offer a more certain and viable future than coffee. We aim to change that by developing a relationship with these young producers based on principles of trust, respect, profitability and a desire to restructure traditional buying mechanisms in favour of building an industry that works for everyone.
It’ll be a few years before we get to taste the fruits of these budding young producer’s labour, but fear not, in the meantime we have a couple of interesting coffees from the latest harvest to delight the senses! Two truly outstanding coffees that may be the same varietal but taste different in their own delicious way. Each lot has been harvested from the surrounding hills of CWS and processed in alternate ways to really showcase the impact processing can have on developing unique and interesting flavour profiles:

Following on from last year’s success, we simply couldn’t not bring back Tropic Coffee’s sweet and syrupy honey processed lot to our offer list. This seriously tasty coffee exhibits the pronounced sweetness and syrupy body of a natural, alongside a hydrating acidity that results in a pleasantly juicy cup. Expect an absolute belter of a brew that is packed full of rich purple fruit notes.
This pineapple infused anaerobic natural shares the brightness and sweetness of other infused coffees we've tried, but offers a little more in terms of depth and complexity. Pineapple notes are most certainly present in the cup but they don't steal the show, making way for notes of mango and a healthy dose of strawberry. There is a little more clarity in the cup than last year’s Cyato Anaerobic Natural provided and a unique mouthfeel that is interestingly both creamy and sparkling in equal measure. Each sip is incredibly hydrating and the lingering fizz in the aftertaste is pineapple-like in nature. This experimental process has truly delivered a coffee of outstanding character and we cannot wait for you to try it.

Intrigued about our relationship with Tropic Coffee and want to learn more? You can find about Cyato Washing Station and our latest impact-led origin project by watching the video above. And stay tuned for an exciting update of all of the above in the coming months!

Shipping Info

Delivery Times

Once you have placed your order, you will receive an email to confirm it is being processed and then another one to let you know when it has been dispatched. We are currently operating with 3 working day lead time to process your order once you have placed it. 

Royal Mail 2nd class tracked postage is included for orders over £25. Orders under £25 will add £4.10 for 2nd class tracked postage. Alternatively, you have the option to include 1st class tracked postage for £5.

Local Pick Ups

Local pickups take place from the Roastery on Tong Road. Please note our shutter doors will be down for security and temperature reasons but we are always in Monday-Friday between 9 and 5pm – just ring the doorbell on arrival

Packaging Info

Letterbox Friendly

If you order 1-2 x 250g bags of coffee, they will be sent in a letterbox friendly package so that you do not need to be in to take receipt of your coffee.

100% Home Compostable

Our 250g bags are 100% home compostable including the valve, seal and sticker! They will degrade in 6 months in a well managed home compost.

1kg Recyclable LDPE 4

Our 1kg bags are currently in LDPE plastic - some councils will recycle this for you, if you are unsure simply take it to your local supermarket with your other plastic packaging.

Customer Reviews

Customer Reviews

Based on 5 reviews
Adam Baker
The best coffee I have ever tasted.

Ordered June 2024 and received one bag each of Honey and Anaerobic Natural process - have been brewing a simple V60,

The Anaerobic is unlike any coffee I have ever tasted before - as I had hoped it would be given the experimental processing - zingy pineapple exactly as promised.

I had expected the Honey to be good, but originally thought it would just be a nice 'control' for the wilder Anaerobic. In reality the Honey processed is, for me, even better! It's almost molasses sweet, like stewed raisins. Unbelievable.

steve dickinson
I was RIGHT in my PREDICTION in my previous review

Sorry this one's MUCH later than I'd intended, but I have been distracted by 'life' & also 'beans given to me as presents'... which I've been drinking too!!
Previously, the HONEYED beans were ALL I'd tried & I loved them LOADS!!! I moved onto the WASHED which was different.... softer & smoother but still had plenty of fruit. I followed this with the NATURAL.... which was truly lovely & the 'milk-shakiness' was a welcome difference. As expected ALL to date were GREAT & ALL were noticeably different from each other. This morning, I opened my ANAEROBIC bag.... hoping for less lime & more strawberry than last years. Hurrah!!! Still plenty of fruit but less 'citrus' than 2022s. The rose water aspect didn't come through as much, but as it cooled down, it came through more. MORE strawberry & LESS lime was my hope.... & after just two cups ( one 'hottish' & the other 'tepid' ) I feel that THIS year's anaerobic COULD be the best ever.
I've already placed my order for 'same again' as ALL FOUR sets of beans offered so much individually.... but by putting ALL 4 into a set it seems that the flavour palettes of each becomes MORE than the sum of their individual parts. Thx to whoever @ NorthStar came up with the idea!!! FANTASTIC!!!

Joe Steele
As interesting as it was delicious

This was a great idea! I’ve really enjoyed trying the differently processed coffees, it’s given me a really good insight into how each approach affects the flavour. The coffee was fantastic too.

Antony Smith
Amazing coffee

Got the Cyato Collection Processing Pack and my god its good!
Will be buying a round 2 when I run out and if its still available.

steve dickinson
The PERFECT coffee-lover's present!!!

As a LONG-TIME fan of NorthStar's Rwandan Cyato Anaerobic beans over the last 3 years, I'd spent a nervous few weeks from Early-March with fingers crossed hoping it'd return by April........ However, THIS year.....what a treat!!! Not just the Anaerobic & a Natural as usual....BUT TWO more..... a Washed &.... a HONEYED too!!!
I was SO excited I accidentally sent my order for the 'Collection Pack' FOUR times.... an error noticed by the delivery team who checked that I wanted ONE pack with FOUR bags!!! LOL!!!!
TBH, I was still finishing a NStar Kenyan bag & was away on holiday, so didn't start on the '4-Pack' until 4 days ago..... I could NOT resist beginning with the 'Honeyed' ..... & it is even BETTER than I'd anticipated. So fruity & naturally sweet, DEFINITELY my favourite for 2023 to date. LOVELY stuff!!! However, I've still got THREE more Cyatos to sample & (no-doubt) enjoy ahead of me. I can't review these yet, but, on previous 2 years of drinking Rwandan Cyatos from North Star, I am fully expecting that ALL FOUR will make me VERY happy!!!!
Thx again to North Star for continuing to deliver 'real gems' which are ALWAYS ethically sourced too.

Discover the whole Cyato collection



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